Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV

Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV… Cada carpeta BPM está cargada con una variedad de ritmos y rellenos, incluido un loop de batería estéreo mixto, grupos premezclados y todas las pistas individuales en una versión.

Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV

Eso significa que tienes control total sobre todos los aspectos del sonido de la batería, incluidos los micrófonos de entrada/salida, caja inferior/superior, hi-hats, timbales, ride, crash, aéreos y de sala.

Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV

  • 12787 Grabaciones/Loops de batería multipista
  • Samples de batería Simmons original
  • Batería acústica
  • Tambores en vivo
  • Tempo-synced y BPM etiquetados
  • 24 BPM diferentes
  • 60 BPM – 200 BPM
  • Formato: WAV
  • WEB: Image Sounds


Each BPM folder is loaded with a variety of grooves and fills, including a mixed stereo drum loop, premixed groups, and all the individual tracks in a dry version. That means you get full control over every aspect of the drum sound, including the kick in/out, snare bottom/top, hi-hats, toms, ride, crash, overheads, and room microphones.

Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV

  • 12787 Multitrack Drum Loops / Recordings
  • Original Simmons Drum Set
  • Acoustic Drum Set
  • Live Played Drums
  • Tempo-synced & BPM labeled
  • 24 different BPM
  • 60 BPM – 200 BPM
  • Format: WAV
  • WEB: Image Sounds

Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV

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Image Sounds Pro Drums 80s WAV (16.37 Gb)

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