BOS – Spaghetti Trumpet WAV

Black Octopus Sound – Spaghetti Trumpet by Basement Freaks WAV… ¡Spaghetti Trumpet de las leyendas del funk The Basement Freaks ha aterrizado! Si conoces a los Basement Freaks, entonces estás muy familiarizado con su sabor eléctrico y sacudidor de botín de música funk y bajo impulsada por instrumentos en vivo. ¡Aquí hay una biblioteca enfermiza de algunas de sus armas secretas del pasado, presente y futuro! 

BOS – Spaghetti Trumpet WAV

Trompetas de espagueti es la salsa y completará una mezcla con una frescura lujosamente impresionante de instrumentos en vivo. El paquete está lleno de suculentas puñaladas sexys, deliciosos loops, one-shots originales exagerados y licks luminosos; todo listo para ir directamente a su nuevo proyecto. El orgullo y la alegría de la manada, One Shots en una variedad de claves, ya sea secas o empapadas con un procesamiento de efectos perfecto. 

BOS – Spaghetti Trumpet WAV

  • 161 One Shots (Mojado)
  • 74 One Shots (Seco)
  • 28 Loops
  • WEB: Black Octopus


Spaghetti Trumpet by the funk legends The Basement Freaks has landed! If you know the Basement Freaks, then you are well familiar with their electric, booty shaking flavour of live instrument driven funk and bass music. Here is a sick library of some of their secret weapons of the past, present, and future! This is pack is set to provide inspiration, organic flair to your music, and your life with an enjoyable production experience for years down the road.

Spaghetti Trumpets is the sauce and will fill out a mix with luxuriously awesome live instrument freshness. The pack is full of succulent sexy stabs, luscious loops, over the top original one shots, and luminous licks; all ready to go straight into your newest project. The pride and joy of the pack, the One Shots in a variety of keys, either Dry, or soaking wet with perfect fx processing. Whether you’re a control freak with your reverb or there’s a tight remix deadline, there are plenty of Dry and Wet one shots for your needs.

BOS – Spaghetti Trumpet WAV

  • 161 One Shots (Wet)
  • 74 One Shots (Dry)
  • 28 Loops
  • WEB: Black Octopus

BOS – Spaghetti Trumpet WAV

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BOS – Spaghetti Trumpet WAV

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