Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV

One Stop Shop – Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV… Este paquete fue diseñado específicamente para ser una ventanilla única para cualquier productor que busque deliciosos one-shots melódicos y de batería. Todas las notas individuales son C, por lo que puedes intercambiarlas fácilmente en cualquier sampler para escuchar diferentes tonos en los mismos acordes y notas. 

Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV

El paquete se creó grabando una serie de sintetizadores analógicos, guitarras eléctricas y acústicas, bajos, talkbox, voces, instrumentos de percusión, baterías, cajas de ritmos analógicas, teclados eléctricos y pianos acústicos. Luego, cada muestra fue reprocesada mediante efectos externos, reamplificada y ejecutada a través de ecualizadores y compresores antiguos para asegurarse de que estén llenas de sabor y no se sientan demasiado digitales.

Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV

  • 112 Percusiones – One shots
  • 352 one-shots tonales
  • Sintetizador 228
  • Batería 81
  • guitarra 68
  • Guitarra eléctrica 62
  • Claves 62
  • Voz 49
  • Percusión 32
  • Cajas 26
  • Bombos 26
  • HiHats 12
  • Leads 10
  • Piano eléctrico 8
  • Piano 7
  • Cuerdas 7
  • Flauta 2
  • Campanas 2
  • Cuencos tibetanos 1
  • Pandereta 1
  • Platillos 1
  • Marimba 1
  • WEB: Splice Sounds


This pack was specifically designed to be a one-stop-shop for any producer seeking tasty melodic and drum one shots. All of the single notes are C’s so you can swap them out easily on any sampler to hear different tones on the same chords and notes. Most of the melodic samples are designed to be spread around the keyboard, to replace bland VSTs with textured and sculpted sounds, the others are amazing hold tones to be easily pitch shifted and dropped into place.

All the chord one shots were created using the single note samples resulting in unique and depthful chord tones.The pack was created by recording a grip of analog synths, electric and acoustic guitars, basses, talkbox, vocals, percussion instruments, drum kits, analog drum machines, electric keyboards, and acoustic pianos. Each sample was then re-processed via outboard effects, re-amping, and running them through vintage EQs & compressors to make sure they are full of flavor and don’t feel overly digital.

Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV

  • 112 Drum one shots
  • 352 Tonal one shots
  • Synth 228
  • Drums 81
  • Guitar 68
  • Electric Guitar 62
  • Keys 62
  • Vocals 49
  • Percussion 32
  • Snares 26
  • Kicks 26
  • Hats 12
  • Rims 10
  • Electric Piano 8
  • Piano 7
  • Strings 7
  • Snaps 7
  • Toms 5
  • Brass & Woodwinds 3
  • Sidestick 2
  • Flute 2
  • Bells 2
  • Singing Bowls 1
  • Tambourine 1
  • Juno 1
  • Cymbals 1
  • Marimba 1
  • Rides 1
  • WEB: Splice Sounds

Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV



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Tasty One Shots by Mars Today WAV

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