Image Sounds Pro Drums Metal WAV
Image Sounds Pro Drums Metal WAV…Pro Drums Metal Library es la solución definitiva para cualquiera que busque agregar baterías potentes y contundentes a sus producciones de metal. Con 17 GB de grabaciones de batería de alta calidad, esta biblioteca contiene 14233 bucles de batería naturales sincronizados con el tempo y etiquetados con BPM. Image Sounds Pro Drums Metal WAV La columna vertebral y la base de cualquier producción de...
Alloy Metallic Percussion One Shots WAV
Alloy Metallic Percussion One Shots WAV… ‘Alloy: Metallic Percussion One Shots’ by Blind Audio is a unique collection of one-shot percussion hits made up of various recordings of metallic household items. This isn’t your average ‘found sound’ library, it’s a collection of percussion hits designed to give you more options while building beats. Alloy Metallic Percussion One Shots WAV This is a...